Winds of change at Stoke Airfield
July 19, 2015
A great start at Stoke Airfield
November 17, 2015
Winds of change at Stoke Airfield
July 19, 2015
A great start at Stoke Airfield
November 17, 2015

A little while ago I wrote about my plan to take on the UK 3 Peaks challenge. I am happy, and relieved, to say that the challenge has now been completed!

For those of you who don’t know, the 3 Peaks challenge consists of climbing each of the tallest mountains in Scotland, England and Wales in a 24 hour period. It was tough but it was also an amazing experience that I would recommend.

By climbing the peaks I was aiming to raise funds to convert another of my C42’s for wheelchair using pilots. Additionally I was hoping to raise enough funds to put wheelchairs in a number of different airfields.

I’m happy to say that this challenge has raised sufficient funds to not only convert the C42 but also supply four wheelchairs.


What remains is to say thank you. Firstly to all those generous enough to have sponsored me in this endeavour.

Secondly, a massive thank you to the team I climbed with. . . Dave, our driver, who helped us get between peaks and kept us well nourished on the way and also Jenny and Ellie my fantastic co-mountaineers who quite literally dragged me to the top of the last mountain!  At the top of the page you can see a picture of the three of us looking bedraggled but proud at Snowdon’s summit

Snow on the top of Ben Nevis!

Boiling hot at Scarfell Pike.

Driving rain and gales on top of Snowdon!

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